HABITS FOR OUR HOLINESS – Chapter 11 – “Traveling Together:  The Practice of Spiritual Leadership”           

Leadership is everywhere. Regardless of who is present, someone will ultimately take the lead.  I remember years ago, hearing John Maxwell give his simple definition of leadership:  “Leadership is influence.”  The question then, is for whom or to what end is the leadership working?  Philip Nation correctly asserts that the world measures success, therefore leadership, […]

HABITS FOR OUR HOLINESS – Week 3 – Chapter 2 – “Our Soul’s Desire and Design:  The Practice of Worship”

“Worship is the central activity of every person’s existence.”  What an audacious statement that Philip Nation makes in the first line of chapter two!  His argument is that the simplest, most crude definition of worship is that it is whatever we obsess over. Bam! He nailed us – at least, he nailed me.  I can’t […]